Thursday, July 5, 2018

Beach, Please! | Zaful review

zaful, review, recenzija, summer, ljeto, fashion, moda, clothes, beach, plaža,

Summer is officialy here and thanks to my collaboration with Zaful, I am ready for it. In my previous wishlist I showed you what caught my eye and in this post I am going to review everything I received.
Are you ready for summer? If you are not, check out Zaful dresses and Zaful tops.

Ljeto je službeno počelo, a zahvaljujući mojoj suradnji s online stranicom Zaful, ja sam spremna. U mojoj prethodnoj wishlisti pokazala sam vam stvari koje su mi zapele oko, a u ovom postu ću ih recenzirati. Jeste li spremni za ljeto? Ako niste, pogledajte Zaful haljine i Zaful majice.

zaful, bikini, review, recenzija, kupaći kostim
Hat: TwinkleDeals | Bathing suit: Zaful |  Sunglasses: Zaful  | Floral sliders: Vera Pelle

This floral bikini set is even more better looking in real life! The floral print is so beautiful and the bikini itself is really well made. Even though it does not have wiresthe tied construction at the front has padded cups. At each side there is a small cut so you can take the pads out. I wear M (EU 38/US 6) and this bikini fits me very well. I ordered it in size M. The cups on the top are a little too small on me, but the bottoms fit me perfectly. The bikini bottoms are very flattering, but a bit revealing (they have a cut out braided detail at each side). Nevertheless, I am obsessed with this bikini.

Ovaj bikini izgleda bolje nego na slikama! Cvjetni uzorak je predivan, a bikini je zaista kvalitetan. Iako nema žice, ima podstavu koja se može jednostavno izvaditi
. S obzirom da se naprijed veže, može se prilagoditi izgled gornjeg dijela bikinija. Inače nosim M (EU 38) i ova M veličina bikinija  mi odgovara. Gornji dio košarica mi je mrvicu premaleni, ali zato mi donji dio savršeno pristaje. Vrlo je laskav (ima detalj pletenica na svakoj strani). Opsjednuta sam ovim bikinijem!

zaful, review, recenzija, ljeto, summer, dress, haljina, sandals, sandale
Lipstick: essence | Dress: Zaful | Sunglasses: Zaful | Sandals: CCC Shoes & Bags
zaful, review, recenzija, converse, dress, starke, haljina, summer, ljeto
Lipstick: essence | Dress: Zaful | Sunglasses: Zaful | Shoes: Converse

Even though I knew ordering this dress will be a little bit risky, I did it any way. I am really into stripes lately, so I had to have it. I ordered this dress in size L and it fits good. Luckily, this dress is stretchy, so no need to worry. The strap that goes around the neck is too wide, but that is not a problem. I simply cut the strap and now I tie it how loose/tight I want. The dress really hugs your body. What makes this dress more flattering is a cut out piece in the centre that reveals your waist. It is easy to combine with different styles.

Iako sam znala da će ova narudžba haljine biti pomalo riskantna, nisam mogla odoljeti. Haljinu sam naručila u veličini L i odgovara mi. Haljina obgrli tijelo, ali je rastezljiva tako da se ne morate bojati da će biti premala. Traka koja ide oko vrata je preširoka pa sam ju jednostavno izrezala i sada ju vežem po želji. Na sredini se nalazi izrez koji otkriva struk. Lako ju je kombinirati i sa sandalama ili starkama.

zaful, review, recenzija, sunglasses, naočale, ljeto, summer

Thankfully, these cute sunglasses arrived in one piece at my address. They look great and edgy! The design is really interesting. The quality is amazing. They definitely look more expensive than they actually are. I can't wait to wear them on my vacation.

Na sreću, ove sunčane naočale stigle su na moju adresu u jednom komadu. Izgledaju odlično! Dizajn je stvarno zanimljiv. Kvaliteta ovih naočala je odlična. Izgledaju skuplje nego što zapravo jesu. Jedva čekam da ih kombiniram sa svojim ljetnim outfitima.

summer, ljeto, zaful, recenzija, review, floral, dress, off the shoulder, haljina, cvjetni uzorak
Bag: Importanne Centar| Dress: Zaful | Sandals: Deichmann

Along with the swimsuit, this is my favorite item from this order. This floral, off the shoulder dress is just stunning! The print is so beautiful and romantic. It has a slit at the sides which makes this mid-calf dress more flattering, but it doesn't reveal too much. The material is cotton and the dress is really light and comfortable to wear. I ordered it in size M and it fits me very well. The sleeves were a little bit tighter at first, but they stretch if needed. Before you order this dress, you need to know that dye runs off. You will need to wash it at least three times to properly rinse it. But other than that, you won't regret buying this dress.

Uz kupaći kostim, ovo je moja najdraža stvar u cijeloj narudžbi. Ova haljina cvjetnog uzorka i spuštenih rukava je zaista predivna! Sa svake strane ima prorez, što ovu haljinu do gležnjeva čini laskavom, a da pritom ne otkriva previše. Materijal je pamuk i haljina je stvarno lagana te udobna za nošenje. Naručila sam ga u veličini M i pristaje mi. Na početku su rukavi bili mrvicu preuski, ali se kasnije rastežu po potrebi. Prije nego što naručite ovu haljinu, morate znati da prilikom pranja pušta boju. Morat ćete ju oprati najmanje tri puta da biste isprali boju. Ali osim toga, nećete požaliti ako kupite haljinu.

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Everything was delivered in one package within 16 business days. (Croatia)
All in all, I had an amazing experience with Zaful, therefore I highly recommend you to check out their website.
My tip for you (when you are browsing for clothes on any online store) is to check your measurements against the size guide because it can differ from one company to another.
Also, if there are available reviews you should definitely read them. That way you can get an image of the item you want.

Paket je stigao unutar 16 radnih dana. (Hrvatska)
Moja suradnja s web stranicom Zaful je bila pozitivna, te bih vam svakako preporučila da je pogledate.
Moj savjet za vas (prilikom kupnje na bilo kojoj web stranici) je da provjerite njihovu tablicu veličina jer njihove veličine znaju varirati i biti drugačije od naših.
Ako postoje recenzije, definitivno ih pročitajte prije kupovine. Tako ćete otprilike vidjeti da li je ta stvar uistinu takva.

Lastly, Zaful was kind enough to give you a coupon code: ZFMine

What did you like the most? Tell me in the comments! :)


  1. Super post i prelijepe stvari.😃

  2. Baš sam se iznenadila kad sam pročitala da ti je paket stigao za 16 radnih dana, što je oko 20 dana ukupno, dok je moj paket putovao oko mesec i po. I to dva puta zaredom. A što se stvari tiče, jako dobar odabir, sve stvari izgledjau prelepo i kvalitetno. Favorit mi je takođe svetna haljina. Preslatka je. ❤️

    The girl named Ana

    1. Ovisi kako kad, ali meni većinom stvari relativno brzo stignu. :)
      Drago mi je da ti se sve sviđa, a posebno haljina. ;)

  3. Hi! Beautiful clothes. I love the bikini.
    Have a nice day!

  4. Me encanta el post, muchas gracias por compartirlo. Tienes una nueva seguidora, besos.

  5. Perfect! The color shades are great. The floral one is lit!

  6. That first bikini looks amazing :)

  7. They are all gorgeous Love the swimsuit so beautiful xoxo Cris

  8. Predivan kostim i haljine. Ja imam sličnu ovoj na pruge. :)

    Kathy's delight

  9. I'm gonna get myself that Deichmann sandals! Yas!

  10. Predivne proizvode si naručila, posebno kupaći. Odličan naziv posta moram priznati xd

    Delilah's Stories | Filmtastično

  11. Temos gostos bem parecidos, adorei os produtos, amo a Zaful! *--*
    Beijos. ♥
    Diário da Lady

  12. Hello
    How lucky you are, so many beautiful things from Zaful. I loved the bikini !!!

    Lots of love

  13. Amei a listinha <3

    Bjokas da Vaci :*

  14. Che belle proposte per l’estate 😍

  15. these are so cute, I love that swimsuit

  16. Kupaći je odličan, to je malo reći. :) Naočare mi se takođe sviđaju... a haljinice su mi okej. :)

    Napisala sam novi post, pa ako te zanima, pogledaj :)

  17. Thanks a lot :)

    all articles are amazing my dear :D loved it!

    Instagram // Facebook Official Page // Miguel Gouveia - Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  18. Predivne stvari! Mnogo mi se dopada ovaj bikini! Imala sam iskustva sa Zafulom i stvarno su dobri! Odlican post!

    zapratila sam te ♡

    1. Hvala ti! Drago mi je da ti se sviđa moj izbor stvari. :)

  19. I love all the items but that bikini
    is so pretty! :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. I agree with you! :D
      Thank you for stopping by! :)

  20. Coll
    I Love it

  21. Beautiful items. I loved the bikini.

  22. These outfits looks so chic.
    I have similar like the last one.

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

    1. That's awesome! :D
      Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  23. I love the slit dress and the pretty bikini. Have fun wearing these items this summer.

  24. These outfits are just perfect for summer! The patterns are gorgeous xx

  25. First bikini is so cute!

  26. Hi dear, I liked all of your choices. The dress is beautiful!


    Ariadne ♥

  27. Great products.

  28. So many fabulous holiday pieces! I love that floral bikini! 😘💞💖

  29. You received some really pretty items! I love Zaful, they always have many beautiful things!

    Have a lovely week!


    Seize your Style

  30. So cute I love the tie-front bikini!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  31. That floral bikini is sooo adorable! I love it, great find dear!

    Jessica |

  32. Those are really cute, perfect for summer :)

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

  33. Odlična recenzija! Super stvari :)


  34. uauuuuu top

  35. The bikini looks so cute and pretty! However, I am in love with all of the stuffs from Zaful that you ordered :)


  36. Prekrasne fotografije, baš profesionalno! Vidi se da si se potrudila.
    Inače, stvarno super stvarčice za ljeto.
    Odličan post! :) ♥

    What's up, Ivy?
