Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Cosmetics Afrodita | Hydra Patch H2O | review

kozmetika afrodita, afrodita cosmetics, proizvodi, products, testing, testiranje, recenzija, review

About a month ago, I received a Hydra Patch H2O package from Cosmetics Afrodita. Since I love trying and finding new products, I started testing them right away.

Prije otprilike mjesec dana, stigao mi je Hydra Patch H2O paket Kozmetike Afrodita. S obzirom da obožavam isprobavati i otkrivati nove proizvode, odmah sam se bacila na testiranje.

Cosmetics Afrodita is a Slovenian beauty establishment that has been over 46 years consistently meeting the desires, needs and expectations of end-users and professionals.
It is a synonym for an effective, natural, trustworthy user and environment-friendly brand.

Kozmetika Afrodita vodeća je slovenska kozmetička kuća koja visokokvalitetnim kozmetičkim proizvodima i uslugama, već više od 46 godina, dosljedno zadovoljava želje, potrebe i očekivanja krajnjih i profesionalnih korisnika.
Sinonim je za učinkovitu, prirodnu, povjerenja vrijednu te korisnicima i okolišu prilagođenu robnu marku.

What is PatcH2O?
Unique PatcH2O technology works as a protective H2O "plaster" that simultaneously cares for the skin. It forms a hydrophobic layer on the skin's surface that reduces or prevents water loss through evaporation. As the moisturising complex gradually penetrates the epidermis, the remarkable PatcH2O ingredient starts working within minutes of application, providing instantaneous hydration for 48 hours.

Što je PatcH2O?
Linija Hydra Patch predstavlja novu generaciju vlaženja s aktivnim djelovanjem u borbi protiv onečišćivača (anti-pollution).
Sadržava jedinstvenu tehnologiju PatcH2O koja svojim iznimnim djelovanjem prilikom nanošenja na koži stvara molekularnu mrežu koja djeluje kao zaštitni i istodobno njegujući H2O flaster.

The Hydra Patch H2O CREAM FOR NORMAL TO COMBINATION SKIN comes in a 50 ml container packed in a cardboard box. The additional foil lid ensures complete protection of the product from external influences and also from unwanted accidents during travel. It can be used as a daily and a night cream.

Hydra Patch H2O KREMA ZA NORMALNU DO MJEŠOVITU KOŽU dolazi u plastičnoj posudi od 50 ml koja je pakirana u kartonskoj kutiji. Dodatna folija ispod poklopca dodatno štiti proizvod od vanjskih utjecaja i od neželjenih nezgoda prilikom putovanja. Može se koristiti kao dnevna ili noćna krema.

The cream has a gel-like texture, white color, fresh and pleasant sent. A small amount of cream is needed to hydrate the whole face. It offers immediate and long-lasting hydration. It protects the cells from damage and keeps them healthy, enhancing your skin's protective function.
I would recommend it to people with normal to combination skin.

Ova krema je lagano gelaste strukture, bijele boje, svježeg i ugodnog mirisa. Potrebna je mala količina da se hidratizira cijeli lice. Pruža trenutačnu i dugotrajnu hidrataciju. Štiti stanice od oštećenja, čuva njihovu vitalnost i jača zaštitnu funkciju kože. Znanstvena studija dokazuje da je koža nakon upotrebe vlažnija, mekša i vidljivo elastičnija.
Preporučila bih ju osobama s normalnom i mješovitom kožom.

Anti-pollution, immediate & sustained hydration, non-comedogenic. Paraben, parafin, silicone free.

Zaštita od onečišćenja, neposredna i trajna hidratacija, nekomedogena. Ne sadrži parabene, parafine, niti silikone.

The Hydra Patch H2O HYDRABOOST SERUM comes in a 30 ml plastic bottle with a pump that dispenses a measured dose. The plastic bottle is packed in a cardboard box. I especially like the packaging because it prevents bacteria transferred from fingers.

Hydra Patch H2O HYDRABOOST SERUM dolazi u plastičnom pakiranju od 30 ml s pumpicom koja je funkcionalna. Posebno mi se sviđa ambalaža jer smanjuje rizik bakterija koje se prenose prstima.

The serum also has a gel-like texture, white color, fresh and pleasant sent. It leaves pores unclogged and serves as an excellent base for all skin-care creams. I use it before applying makeup. One pump is enough to moisturize the entire face. It will leave the skin healthy, fresh and youthful looking.
I would recommend it to people with dull and dehidrated skin.

Serum je također gelaste strukture, bijele boje, svježeg i ugodnog mirisa. Ne začepljuje pore i služi kao izvrsna baza za sve kreme za njegu kože. Koristim ga kao podlogu za makeup. Za hidrataciju cijelog lica dovoljan je samo jedan pritisak na pumpicu. Redovnim nanošenjem koža postaje zdravija, svježija i mladolika. 
Preporučila bih ju osobama s beživotnom i dehidriranom kožom.

Anti-pollution, immediate & sustained hydration, non-comedogenic. Paraben, parafin, silicone free.

Zaštita od onečišćenja, neposredna i trajna hidratacija, nekomedogena. Ne sadrži parabene, parafine, niti silikone.

The Hydra Patch H2O EYE CREAM comes in a 15 ml tube packed in a cardboard box. This eye cream is against first wrinkles and anti-dark circle (25+).

Hydra Patch H2O OKOLOOČNA KREMA dolazi u tubi od 15 ml koja je dodatno zapakirana u kartonsku kutiju. Ova krema za oči je protiv prvih bora i protiv podočnjaka (25+).

The creamy consistency has a light and subtle scent. The color of this cream is light beige. Since I don't have wrinkles and the cream is recommended to people who are 25 years old or older, I didn't use it. Instead, I gave it to my sister who was very pleased with the product. I think it definitely needs time to notice the results, but you just have to be patient and consistent.
I would recommend it to people with wrinkles and dark circles.

Kremasta konzistencija ima lagani i suptilan miris. Boja ove krema je svijetlo bež. Budući da nemam bore i kremu se preporučuje ljudima koji su stariji od 25 godina, nisam je koristio. Umjesto toga, dala sam to svojoj majci koja je bila vrlo zadovoljna proizvodom. Mislim da svakako treba vremena za primijetiti rezultate, ali samo morate biti strpljivi i dosljedni.
Preporučila bih ju osobama koje primjećuju prve bore i podočnjake.

Anti-pollution, paraben, parafin, silicone free.

Zaštita od onečišćenja, ne sadrži parabene, parafine, niti silikone.

The Hydra Patch H2O AMPOULES come in a 1,5 ml plastic containers and you get seven of them. They are neatly stored in a cardboard box. With their ability to penetrate deep into the skin layers, they intensively moisturize even the most tired and dehydrated skin within minutes.  One ampoule is enough for two uses - I use half in the morning and the other half before going to bed.

Hydra Patch H2O AMPULE dolaze u plastičnim bočicama od 1,5 ml. Pakirane su u kartonskoj kutiji u kojoj se nalazi 7 ampula. Intenzivnim prodiranjem u dublje slojeve u samo nekoliko minuta pružaju intenzivnu hidrataciju umornoj i suhoj koži. Jedna ampula je dovoljna za dva korištenja, pola koristim ujutro, a pola nanosim prije spavanja.

Anti-pollution, paraben, parafin, silicone free.

Zaštita od onečišćenja, ne sadrži parabene, parafine, niti silikone.

BABY & MOM NATURAL Almond oil is stored in a 125 ml plastic bottle. Just like products so far, this one is also stored in a cardboard box. This product is vegan.

BABY & MOM NATURAL Bademovo ulje dolazi u plastičnom pakiranju od 125 ml. Kao i svi proizvodi do sad, i ovaj je pakiran u kartonskoj kutiji. Ovaj proizvod je veganski.

The scent of this product is amazing - subtle, but sweet. It is very oily, therefore it will hydrate your skin quickly. This product is for the sensitive skin of babies, pregnant women and nursing mothers, but you can also use it if you have dry skin. 

Miris ovog proizvoda je izvanredan - suptilan, ali sladak. Hidratizirat će vašu kožu tijela u trenu.
Namijenjen je za osjetljivu kožu dojenčadi, trudnica i dojilja, ali i osobama sa suhom kožom tijela.

Dermatologically tested, vegan, with 100 % natural oil complex. Paraben, parafin, silicone free.

Dermatološki testirano, vegan proizvod, 100% prirodni sastojci. Ne sadrži parabene, parafine, niti silikone.

*PR products
(all opinions of the products are my own)

*PR proizvodi
(recenzija je napisana iskreno na temelju vlastitog iskustva i određenog perioda korištenja proizvoda)

Check out my INSTAGRAM! ;)


  1. Supper post,dopadaju mi se svi proizvodi.

  2. wonderful review dear, thanks for sharing, xo

  3. All of these products sound interesting, I have never heard about Afrodita brand:)

  4. Great review dear.

  5. wow! how many things!!!
    theses products seems to be very nice. Do they ship worldwide?
    I want to try it.
    This is my first day here and I love it!
    I´m your new follower now.
    Please come and make me a visit too.
    xoxo | Instagram

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      You can find everything you want to know on their official website:
      I hope this helps! :)

  6. Great post, your blog is perfect :)
    If you want you can follow my blog I will return follow back :)

  7. интересная марка, слышу о ней в первый раз

  8. Sembrano dei prodotti professionali molto interessanti ❤️

  9. these products sound amazing. Thanks for sharing.
    The Glossychic

  10. They look luxurious but I don´t like their composition :/ ❀✿

    Blog de la Licorne

  11. Eu amei conhecer os produtos, devem ser maravilhosos na pele.
    Beijos. ♥
    Diário da Lady

  12. Beautiful post, dear! I love Afrodita products!
    I like your blog.
    Following you! Follow back?

  13. Odličan članak i slikice <3

  14. I love the fact that it's vegan.
    What a lovely review dear

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  15. Hello
    Well i dont know that slovenian brand but you re lucky you recived the whole program of beauty care.

  16. Thanks a lot :D

    I didn0t know this brand, but I'm curious to try my friend!!!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  17. Hmmm... we do not have that in here
    but based from your review
    they are great products.
    Nice post.


  18. I didn't know this brand but it looks amazing, I'd love to try the ampoules ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  19. Da budem iskrena nemam običaj toliko koristiti afroditine proizvode, ali sam o istima čula sve najbolje. Hvala ti što si s nama podijelila ove prodizvode

    Delilah's Stories | Filmtastično

  20. Such great products!


  21. Amazing post!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  22. I have never heard of this brand but these products sounds great. I love that they are natural and vegan!

  23. Great review! I didn't know this brand but it looks amazing ;)


  24. The entire line looks really great. I looked at ingredients and these are pretty decent as well. Good job!

  25. Odlican post draga i predivne fotografije! O Afrodita proizvodima sam cula sve najbolje a vjerujem da su i ovi jako dobri ^_^

  26. Koristila sam neke njihove proizvode i svidjaju mi se 😄

  27. Great post. I don´t know these products. But want try it. Thanks for your tips :)
    Inspiration by Linda

  28. Show! Amei o post ;D
    Obrigada pela visita, linda!!!
    Bom domingo!! Até mais. Beijinhos ;*

  29. Adorei o post, parece ser ótimos produtos.

  30. Cool
    I like it

  31. Great set of products. Would love to try the eye cream.

  32. I've never tried any of these before! Would you suggest them for summer skin? If so, I need to try!


  33. Great products review dear.

  34. Thanks for sharing your review! these
    products seem very nice :D

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  35. The range sounds very innovative and great for anti aging, too! Thanks for sharing and I hope you're having a great day!



  36. I live what this brand gives us

  37. Volim Afrodita kozmetiku ali ovo još nisam isprobala... Hvala ti na prekrasnoj recenziji i zaista ću isprobati ovu njihovu liniju!! :-D
    xoxo Mirela

  38. Odličan post i detaljna recenzija... Dosta si ti stvari dobila, zavidim ti. :D Sviđaju mi se proizvodi. :)

    Napisala sam novi post, pa ako te zanima pogledaj , meni bi značilo. :)

    1. Drago mi je da ti se sviđa moj post! Hvala na komentaru! :)

  39. Obožavam Afroditine proizvode za negu lica, koristim njihovu "Clean phase" liniju. Ovu liniju nisam probala, ali imam u planu. 🙂

  40. Oh wow - everything looks really interesting, I love it and always love finding different products through blogs! :)

    Layla x

  41. Super recenzija, vrlo detaljna, s odličnim slikama. Hvala ti što si je napisala i podijelila s nama! :)

    What's up, Ivy?
