Friday, August 24, 2018

Cosmetics Afrodita | SUN CARE | review

afrodita, kozmetika, cosmetics, slovenia, slovenija, sun care, ljeto, summer, marmelada, krema za sunčanje, review, recenzija

Before heading to my summer vacation to Jezera (Murter, Croatia), I received a package from Afrodita cosmetics. It had arrived just in time to try the products while sunbathing. In this post, I am going to write my honest review.

Prije odlaska na ljetovanje u Jezera (Murter, Hrvatska), stigao mi je paket Kozmetike Afrodita. Poslan je točno na vrijeme pa sam proizvode isprobala za vrijeme sunčanja. U ovom postu napisat ću svoju iskrenu recenziju.  

afrodita cosmetics, afrodita kozmetika, slovenia, slovenija, brand

Cosmetics Afrodita is a Slovenian beauty establishment that has been over 46 years consistently meeting the desires, needs and expectations of end-users and professionals.
It is a synonym for an effective, natural, trustworthy user and environment-friendly brand.

Kozmetika Afrodita vodeća je slovenska kozmetička kuća koja visokokvalitetnim kozmetičkim proizvodima i uslugama, već više od 46 godina, dosljedno zadovoljava želje, potrebe i očekivanja krajnjih i profesionalnih korisnika.
Sinonim je za učinkovitu, prirodnu, povjerenja vrijednu te korisnicima i okolišu prilagođenu robnu marku.

What are SUN CARE products?
SUN CARE products with protection factor from SPF 6 to SPF 30 provide excellent "natural skin protection" against sunburn and photo-aging and, with an after-sun care product, they help your skin to maintain a long-lasting tan and to stay fresh and supple.
Because our skin deserves only the best, SUN CARE products contain NO parabens or petroleum jelly and have no added colouring.

Što su SUN CARE proizvodi?
Proizvodi SUN CARE sa zaštitnim faktorima od SPF 6 do SPF 30 jamče odličnu »prirodnu zaštitu kože« od ljetnih opeklina i fotostarenja, dok proizvodi za njegu nakon sunčanja pomažu u očuvanju njene dugotrajne svježine i glatkoće. S obzirom na to da naša koža zaslužuje najbolje, proizvodi SUN CARE NE sadrže parabene, vazelin i dodatne boje.

afrodita, kozmetika, cosmetics, slovenia, slovenija, sun care, ljeto, summer, marmelada, krema za sunčanje, zaful, twinkledeals, roberto, outfit, hat
Hat: TwinkleDeals | Sandals: Deichmann

afrodita, cosmetics, kozmetika afrodita, marmelada, sunčanje, jam, tanning, summer, ljeto, bloger, recenzija, review

The SUN CARE Tropical marmelada comes in a 200 ml plastic container. The jam's SPF 10 provides a safe, fast and thorough way of getting attractively tanned skin. The jam is full of rich natural ingredients: 100% organic COCONUT oil from the Philippines, precious SHEA and COCOA butter, and carrot extract with large amounts of beta-carotene. 

The SUN CARE Tropical marmelada dolazi u plastičnoj posudi od 200 ml. Zaštitnim faktorom SPF 10 osigurava sigurno, brzo i intenzivno dobivanje privlačno preplanulog tena. Sadržava bogatu riznicu prirodnih sastojaka: potpuno organsko KOKOSOVO ulje s Filipina, dragocjeni KARITÉ i KAKAO maslac te ekstrakt mrkve s visokom koncentracijom beta-karotena. 

What I really like about this product is that it gives you not only a nice tan, but it smells incredible! It reminds me of coconut, cocoa and mint mix. I applied the product before exposure to the sun and reapplied when it was necessary, especially after swimming or towel drying. It moisturises and nourishes the skin, while the added antioxidants protect it from harmful external factors and stimulate cell regeneration. It is a light brown, creamy texture that quickly absorbs into your skin.

Ono što zbilja volim kod ovog proizvoda je, ne samo da ubrzava proces dobivanja preplanulog tena, nego miriše božanstveno. Podsjeća me na mix kokosa, kakaa i mente. Proizvod sam koristila prije izlaganja suncu i redovito nanosila novi sloj kada je bilo potrebno, naročito nakon plivanja ili brisanja ručnikom. Vlaži kožu i opskrbljuje ju hranjivim tvarima, a dodanim antioksidansima štiti je od negativnih vanjskih čimbenika i potiče obnovu stanica. Svijetlo smeđe boje je, kremaste teksture koja se brzo upija u kožu.

vegan products, veganski proizvod, afrodita, slovenija, hrvatska,

Dermatologically tested, water resistant, vegan, silicone free, SPF 10, super tanning treatment.

Dermatološki ispitano, vodootporno, vegan proizvod, bez silikona, SPF 10, ubrzava postupak dobivanja preplanulog tena.

The SUN CARE Body yogurt comes in a 200 ml plastic container. The light formula pleasantly cools and calms the skin and restores lost moisture after sunbathing. Added shea butter nourishes and regenerates, while rose hip oil, rich in vitamin E, stimulates skin cell renewal and restores softness and elasticity.

SUN CARE Jogurt za tijelo dolazi u plastičnoj posudi od 200 ml. Lagana formula ugodno hladi, smiruje i koži nakon sunčanja vraća izgubljenu vlagu. Dodani karité maslac hrani i regenerira, a šipkovo ulje, bogato vitaminom E, pridonosi obnovi stanica kože te vraća mekoću i elastičnost.

This is the perfect product for you if you want to pamper your skin! It feels lightweight on the skin and it doesn't leave oily residue. It has a silky, white texture and a devine smell. The cooling effect will calm your skin.

Ovo je savršen proizvod za vas ako želite razmaziti i ugoditi vašoj koži. Brzo se upija i ne ostavlja masni trag na koži. Bijele je boje, svilenkaste teksture, a miris je božanstven. Efekt hlađenja će osvježiti vašu kožu.

Main ingredients are 100% COCONUT WATER, SHEA BUTTER and ROSE HIP OIL.


sun care, sunscreen, krema za sunčanje, afrodita kozmetika, kozmetika afrodita, afrodita cosmetics, slovenia, croatia,

The SUN CARE Sunscreen milk SPF 30 comes in a 200 ml plastic bottle. It guarantees protection against harmful UV radiation. This dermatologically tested  formula can be applied to wet skin since it is water-resistant. It quickly absorbs and what I really like is that it leaves no oily residue. The consisteny is creamy and the smell is subtle (coconut). Just like with the SUN CARE Tropical marmelade, I used this product before exposure to the sun and reapplied it often maintain the original level of protection, especially after swimming and towel drying.

SUN CARE Mlijeko za zaštitu od sunca sa SPF 30 dolazi u plastičnom pakiranju od 200 ml. Garantira zaštitu od štetnih UV zraka. Ova dermatološki testirana formula može se nanijeti na mokru kožu s obzirom da je proizvod vodootporan. Brzo se upija i ono što mi se posebno sviđa je da ne ostavlja masni trag. Kremaste je teksture i ima suptilan miris (kokos). Isto kao i sa SUN CARE Tropical marmeladom, ovu kremu sam koristila prije izlaganja suncu i redovito ju nanosila kako bih se zaštitila od sunca, naročito nakon plivanja i brisanja ručnikom.

Water resistant, UVA/UVB skin protection, dermatologically tested, hypoallergenic perfume.

Vodootporno, zaštita od UVA/UVB zračenja, dermatološki ispitano, antialergijski parfem.

facial sunscreen, krema za sunčanje za lice, afrodita, cosmetics, kozmetika, summer, ljeto, vacation, seaside
The SUN CARE Facial sunscreen SPF 30 comes in a 50 ml packaging. Age Defence cream provides sun protection for the face and prevents the formation of pigmentation marks. Its light texture is absorbed rapidly and added vitamin E protects the skin against photo-ageing. It has a similar (more creamier) texture as the SUN CARE Sunscreen milk SPF 30. The color is the same (white) and the scent is subtle, but stronger than the Sunscreen milk. Again, it is necessary to apply the product before exposure to the sun and reapply it regularly in order to maintain the original level of protection, particularly after swimming or towel drying.

SUN CARE Krema za sunčanje za lice SPF 30 dolazi u ambalaži od 50 ml. Age Defence krema osigurava zaštitu lica od sunca i nastanka pigmentnih mrlja. Njezina lagana tekstura brzo se upija, a dodanim vitaminom E štiti kožu od fotostarenja. Ima sličnu (kremastiju) teksturu kao i SUN CARE Mlijeko za sunčanje SPF 30. Boja je ista (bijela), dok je miris malo jači nego kod mlijeka za sunčanje. Isto kao i sa svim proizvodima, potrebno ih je nanositi više puta kroz dana, a posebno prije izlaganja suncu, nakon plivanja i brisanja ručnikom.

UVA/UVB skin protection, dermatologically tested, hypoallergenic perfume. Paraben, parafin free.

Zaštita od UVA/UVB zračenja, dermatološki ispitano, antialergijski parfem. 
Ne sadrži parabene, parafine.

afrodita, kozmetika, cosmetics, slovenia, slovenija, sun care, ljeto, summer, marmelada, krema za sunčanje, murter, hrvatska, croatia, jezera, sunset
Jezera (Murter, Croatia)
*PR products
(all opinions of the products are my own)

*PR proizvodi
(recenzija je napisana iskreno na temelju vlastitog iskustva i određenog perioda korištenja proizvoda)

Check out my INSTAGRAM! ;)


  1. Quanti prodotti interessanti!!! Grazie per questa review, come sempre è un piacere leggere i tuoi post ❤️

  2. Need to try those!


  3. Ja sam čula sve najbolje o ovoj afroditinoj ljetnoj kolekciji, ali nisam isprobala, jer nisam ni išla na ljetovanje, nadam se da ću uskoro isprobati :D

    Delilah's Stories | Filmtastično

  4. Sounds like a great product
    Have a lovely day ♥

  5. Ja jako volim Afroditine proizvode, uvijek sam imala dobra iskustva sa njima. Ovi proizvodi za sunce se čine odlični.

  6. These sound like great products! They will have to wait till next year, no more holidays for me this year :(

    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

    1. You can use the yogurt as a moisturizer throughout the year! ;)

  7. These products sound wonderful. Sun protection is so important.

    Nina's Style Blog

  8. Essa linha parece maravilhosa, e o melhor é vegana!!! ❤

  9. Oh moj Bože.. pa ovo su zazubice. :O :D Toliko želim da probam njihove proizvode a pogotovo marmeladu :D Odlična recenzija :)

    Novi post:

  10. Que ótimos produtos adorei conhecê-los.

  11. Great products for summer.

  12. I love the smell of coconut so I need to get this one! Thanks for your review dear♥
    Selina | Selinas Inspiration

  13. Omg I did not know this brand *.* Nice post!
    Just followed your blog <3
    Blog An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook

  14. Não conhecia os produtos.

  15. These sound amazing, I love a good cream

  16. They look great and I'd love to try the jam, never tried that texture in a sunscreen so I'm curious!

    Freak Muffin Blog

  17. Body yogurt is so great for the skin. I have used it before.

  18. I have never tried this brand but it looks very interesting. I will look up into it for a higher SPF.

  19. Adorei a review, ainda não conhecia o produto. Gostei da dica.
    Beijos boa semana

  20. What a great selection. Tropical Marmelada looks really interesting. I'd love to try that. Thanks for sharing dear!

    Jessica |

  21. Hello
    I never knew any sloveninan produtcs, but the body yougurt seems interesting.

  22. Thanks a lot :D

    all products sounds amazing :)

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D


  23. Fantastic post!
    Kisses .
    Dilek ...

  24. All of the products seem
    really good quality :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  25. Interesting beauty products. We keep in touch. xx

  26. Surprisingly I had know this products before I read this post. I used it for a long time but now I can't find in shops in my city :(
    Miss Uncover | YouTube

  27. Odlicni proizvodi i prekrasne slikice :)


  28. Cool
    I like it

  29. Joj prosto obozava Afrdoita kozmetiku! Nisam probala njihove sun care proizvode ali nakon tvoje recenzije potrudicu se da ih potrazim u radnjama. :)
    Divan post draga! ♥

    Novi post je na blogu. ♥

  30. Hello dear, the products look wonderful, I felt like using them. Great review *_*


    Ariadne ♥

  31. These products seem amazing! The sun care Tropical marmelada and the body yogurt sound so pleasant, I'd love to try them!

  32. First time hearing about this brand. Sounds good.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

  33. That body yogurt looks interesting! Have a nice vacation.

    Joy to the World

  34. These look really nice and I also loved the pictures! I just wished the products had more SPF :)

  35. Odličan post! Obožavam Afroditine proizvode, uglavnom koristim njiovu liniju za lice ali imam u planu i da probam ove proizvode, prvenstveno mermeladu za sunčanje. :)
    Pogledaj moj novi post

    1. Nećeš požaliti ako kupiš ove proizvode za sunčanje! ;)

  36. hey sounds really amazing products. Thanks for the review dear.

  37. Great pics!
    Have a nice evening!
    Gil Zetbase

  38. Sounds like amazing products! :)

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

  39. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! :)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Great review on these products! Love your white dress by the way ♥

  42. I am loving their high quality cosmetics. The only small nuance is that it's hard to find their products in the ordinary stores.
